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DIP/入力解決済み修正済み2008-02-29 13:242008-07-24 17:57
テスター-Misc Reporters-担当者aaronソースmidway/mcr.cpp
セット twotiger
twotiger - Two Tigers (専用基板)
概 要コントローラを中央にすると、少しずつ右に動いていく。
詳 細If you have your controller centered, it is in fact tilted slightly to the right. It appears that the controller "auto-centers" to the wrong value. In an older version of MAME, this worked and the range of values was 0-127?

Tafoid: Input problems (drifting right) - Regression 0.98u1

The original twotiger set from earlier MAME (0.98 and earlier) is what is now "twotigrc", the Tron <> Two Tiger Conversion Kit. This seems to work fine as you described with 0-127 value movement with no auto-centering [as tried in service mode].

The current "twotiger" set is the dedicated cab (formerly twotigra), though the inputs are likely not correct as no one has gotten their hands on the original owners manual for it (only the conversion kit). For what it's worth.. the pre-MAME 0.99 version of the current twotiger set (twotigra) controlled correctly as far as I could tell and was set up as a digital controller (left and right).
追加情報Posted by fsk