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DIP/入力仮承認未処理2024-12-09 03:542024-12-09 16:24
テスターICEknight担当者 ソースnec/pce.cpp
セット pce
pce - PCエンジン
概 要スロットコントローラのボタン配置が逆になっている。
詳 細The 6-button PC Engine controllers invert the layout for the two original buttons (and the extra one in the bottom row), which causes every non-6-button game to have their mappings inverted.

To avoid the unskippable requirement to remap those first three buttons, these controllers would need to mirror the already established 6-button layout present in other systems such as the Mega Drive and the Saturn.
再現手順- Load pce/atomrobo
- Button layout is correct: [Button II: Fire] - [Button I: Jump]
- Change the controller to a 6-button one in: Slot Devices -> Ctrl -> arcade_pad_6 or avenue_pad_6
- Reset System
- Button layout is now incorrect: [Button I: Jump] - [Button II: Fire] - [Button III]
- Button layout should be: [Button III] - [Button II: Fire] - [Button I: Jump]