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クラッシュ/フリーズ重要 (ゲーム)仮承認未処理2024-10-01 13:172024-10-01 17:28
テスターHydreigon担当者 ソースmidway/vegas.cpp
セット warfa and clones
warfa - WAR ファイナルアサルト (EPROM 1.9 Mar 25 1999, GUTS 1.3 Apr 20 1999, GAME Apr 20 1999)
概 要リンクオペレーション時、シングルプレーヤーで他のプレーヤに挑戦するとゲームが固まる。
詳 細Most of networking in War: Final Assault works except attempting to challenge another player in single player to a deathmatch freezes the emulator that was in single player mode. This doesn't happen on hardware.

再現手順This requires linking multiple instances of mame (single or multiple computers) with TAP adapters. For a detailed tutorial on how to do so, see here: https://www.mameworld.info/ubbthreads/showthreaded.php?Cat=&Board=news&Number=380959

1. Have mame #1 coin up and start a game in single player; wait till mame #1 goes ingame.
2. Have mame #2 coin up; this time, mame #2 will be given an option to either choose co-op or deathmatch.
3. Mame #2 chooses deathmatch
4. Mame #1 freezes; two possible results can happen with mame #2.
5a. Mame #2 immediately drops in deathmatch playing as nothing being able to look around but not move.
5b. Mame #2 freezes for a few seconds then drops in deathmatch with the other "player" not moving.
追加情報It's unlikely the network emulation isn't at fault here with this kind of behavior. Maybe a MIPS core bug?
添付ファイルpng file0000.png (2024-10-01 13:17)