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DIP/入力認証済み未処理2024-08-01 21:072024-08-02 15:41
テスターJimCarlTay担当者 ソースjaleco/homerun.cpp
セット dynashot
dynashot - ダイナミックシュート競争
概 要起動するとすぐにコインが入る。
詳 細Upon loading the game, it assumes you have inserted a coin if the DIP switch setting for Coin A is at the default (1 coin per credit), thus giving you a "Push Start Button" prompt on the title screen instead of letting the attract mode play as normal.
再現手順1. Load the game with the default DIP switch settings, assuming you have deleted the game's .cfg file beforehand.
2. After a single beep/sound effect that indicates that the game/system has booted up successfully, it will start with one coin/credit already inserted and land you at the "Push Start Button" screen instead of letting the attract mode play normally. If the Coin A DIP switches are set to 2 coins per credit or more, then the attract mode plays normally.
追加情報Screenshot 1 is the result of loading the game with the default DIP switch settings, with the "Push Start Button" prompt and the assumption that a coin was inserted upon boot. Screenshot 2 is the expected behavior for the attract mode/title screen, saying "Insert Coin" and letting any cinematics before the title screen and the game demo afterward play normally, only possible if Coin A settings were changed to be 2 coins per credit or more.

Never mind the flashing colors/color differences on the game logo. It is not possible for me to get proper screenshots with the same color on the logo.

The "1 coin per credit" setting for Coin A could be renamed to "Free Play" in light of this issue.
添付ファイルpng file0000.png (2024-08-01 21:09)
png file0001.png (2024-08-01 21:15)