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クラッシュ/フリーズ重要 (ゲーム)解決済み修正済み2024-03-06 21:052024-11-25 20:33
修正コミット 904d27fプルリク #12988
セット cdimono1 [hotmario, hotmariou]
cdimono1 - CD-i (Mono-I) (PAL)
概 要[hotmario, hotmariou] ステージ終了時の残タイムボーナス追加時にランダムで落ちる。
詳 細In Hotel Mario, occasionally the game will freeze when your score is being counted based off of how much time you had left on the stage you'd just completed. I cannot read assembly of any type, but I've noticed that what specifically happens is that the game seems to get stuck in a loop of a few instructions when this happens. Here is a video of the freeze happening, with the disassembly and processor windows visible and some gameplay before the actual freeze happens, as well as an ample amount of time after the freeze to demonstrate the 'stuck in a loop' behaviour I described:
(it's kinda laid out weird and I definitely left too much extra gameplay footage before the freeze, sorry!)
再現手順While it's quite random, I've noticed it's more likely to happen the quicker you finish the level. I've experienced it most often in Morton's Wood Door Hysteria but I think that's just related to the fact that I can finish those stages very quickly at this point. The furthest I've gotten before experiencing a freeze is stage 1 of Larry's Chilton Hotel (the stage directly after the one the freeze occurred on in the video I've included). I have never noticed a pattern with what specific scores it will freeze on, nor where in counting the score it will freeze, etc.
追加情報Happens with the North American release as well to some extent, but I don't know how much for sure since I've mainly just tested with the European release.

I am running on Fedora Linux 39 using what I'm pretty sure is the official packaging for MAME. My processor is an AMD Ryzen 7 2700.
添付ファイルflac fileaudio_cdi210_20.flac (2024-11-09 02:02)