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DIP/入力誤字解決済み修正済み2023-11-30 02:352023-12-02 10:05
修正コミット ab892a4プルリク
セット All 1943 games and clones
1943 - 1943 -ミッドウェイ海戦- (Euro版)
概 要画面反転のDIPスイッチラベルについて。
詳 細Although DIP 3 is labeled as Upright/Table Change in the manual for this game, it should be renamed to "Screen Flip" in MAME as that is what it does.
A 1943 two player game is a cooperative game where both players are always on the screen at the same time, there is no flipping of the screen to alternate player turns.
再現手順Load and run any version of 1943, set the Upright/Cocktail setting to Cocktail and then reset the game.
The screen will now always be upside down.
添付ファイルpng file1943 DIPS.png (2023-11-30 02:35)