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インターフェイス仮承認未処理2023-10-14 14:132023-11-09 17:37
テスターarcadeludofan担当者 ソースapple/apple2e.cpp
セット Apple IIe, probably all Apple II models
apple2e - Apple //e
概 要フロッピー作成が正しく動作しない。
詳 細Tried running Zork III Release 17 Interpreter K on Apple IIe.
Game itself runs fine.
But disk creation and saving is bugged.
Reading from disk is fine, just not writing
Tried to save my progress in game.

Expected behaviour
Zork III should say "Ok." and should be able to restore from disk created in MAME

What happened was it crashed.
再現手順Loaded apple2e driver

loaded zork3.zip (contains .woz disk image)

game boots and plays fine

game needs a disk to save progress to

create new WOZ disk in 2nd drive slot, restart system

walk around then save in Zork 3


if I use another format like DOS or ProDOS, MAME refuses to even attach the disk image to 2nd drive slot

I used a blank .nib disk file from the internet which I then saved in Zork 3 in the AppleWin emulator. Then I loaded this .nib file into MAME and was able to restore my progress. But saving to the .nib in MAME would say "Ok." (even though it didn't save) and then restoring from it after would crash with Internal Error 14.
追加情報Also tried in MAME 0.258. same problem