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クラッシュ/フリーズ重要 (ゲーム)認証済み未処理2023-10-05 19:422023-10-07 12:44
テスターHungryWolf999担当者 ソースkonami/rungun.cpp
セット rungun
rungun - スラムダンク / Run and Gun (ver EAA 1993 10.8)
概 要難易度を変更しようすとると致命的エラーが起こる。
詳 細You got thi fatal error when you try to change game difficulty in the dipswitches (F2)

It is related only to the Difficulty settings.

When you try to save and exit.......the game crash and mame close itself automatically

On the screen appears : Fatal error: execute_command called with invalid command

On mame 259-258-257-256.
The error happens with all run and gun versions.
再現手順Start game >mame rungun

After attract mode starts, press F2

Use down arrow to select Game Options, press Ctrl

Choose "Save and Exit", press Ctrl.

Unexpected exit.
追加情報Seems to affect all games in the driver.