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グラフィック解決済み修正済み2023-08-12 23:082023-08-23 20:30
修正コミット 4727a73プルリク
セット starcas
starcas - Star Castle (version 3)
概 要OpenGLバックエンドでプロジェクタイルが表示されない。
詳 細When the player's ship fires, the projectiles are invisible. This is a regression since 0.248, where they appeared as blue points.

I experimentally reverted 4df2f9d2f904073cd31d4d5db65cdb0d23270aac for ccpu, but that didn't fix this. It seems to be a purely graphical glitch, as the game remains otherwise playable.
再現手順Start a game and start firing at anything.
追加情報This seems specific to the OpenGL backend. With -video bgfx, dots can be seen at the ends of vectors, which also appear in my 0.248 build.