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DIP/入力解決済み修正済み2023-07-19 09:472024-12-27 15:44
修正コミット b9c52ccプルリク #13115
セット bsharkjjs
bsharkjjs - バトルシャーク (日本版, ジョイスティック)
概 要画面ミラーリングをオンにしたとき以外左右入力が反転する。
詳 細Pushing left goes right and right goes left, but if you set the machine to mirror the display with the dip switch "Mirror Screen" the controls function normally. They function normally in the service menus both ways though, weird.
再現手順1. Run bsharkjjs
2. Start a game, and try pressing left and right. Controls are reversed.
3. Now TAB to the DIP Switches and turn on "Mirror screen" and exit.
4. Run bsharkjjs with -flipx to correct the screen orientation for the next step (this just makes things easier).
5. Start another game and press left and right, they work correctly now.