カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
その他認証済み未処理2023-07-11 08:062023-07-11 19:00
テスターBalthier担当者 ソースtaito/asuka.cpp
セット bonzeadv and clones
bonzeadv - 地獄めぐり / Bonze Adventure (海外版, Newer)
概 要起動時にコインカウンタが勝手に増える。
詳 細When running a game, the coin counter numbers in the machine's cfg file will increase by 1 on each start up even though credits are not being added by the user.
再現手順1. Run any of the affected games.
2. Let the game run for a little bit, just don't add any credits.
3. TAB to the Bookkeeping Info and view it, should see coins added to the counters already.
4. Press F3 or Shift+F3 for a full reset, and view the counters in the Bookkeeping Info again and see more coins added.
追加情報Example jigkmgri.cfg after 2 runs, no credits added:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- This file is autogenerated; comments and unknown tags will be stripped -->
<mameconfig version="10">
    <system name="jigkmgri">
            <coins index="0" number="2" />
            <coins index="1" number="2" />