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ゲームプレイ解決済み修正済み2023-07-09 11:372023-07-11 19:11
修正コミット da2695aプルリク
セット changela
changela - Change Lanes
概 要速く走れない。
詳 細It is impossible to make the car go faster than the slowest speed. The manual shows 3 speeds that can be attained (page 11 https://www.arcade-museum.com/manuals-videogames/C/ChangeLanes.pdf ):

0001 Low
0200 Med
0310 High

I got the pedal to the metal and the speed meter barely moves up more than if I didn't have it pressed. It also makes it impossible to get better ranks for bonuses like "Ace" or "Great" when arriving at checkpoints. The issue is also compounded by the fact that there is no way of getting to the service screen to see if the pedals are even working as they should due to another long standing bug https://mametesters.org/view.php?id=2005

For some reason Free Game/Self Test are mapped to a single button in the inputs, and the manual shows that as a movable switch with 3 positions. Pressing the button adds a free credit but um yeah how to access the service mode?
再現手順1. Play the game and hold the accelerator down the whole time and don't hit anything that would hamper your speed.
追加情報I put up a pic of the controls while the pedal was pressed and paused the game. Also one showing the attract mode going full speed.
添付ファイルpng filechangela_i_cant_drive_55.png (2023-07-09 11:37)
png filechangela_but_the_game_can.png (2023-07-09 11:37)