カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
その他解決済み修正済み2023-07-07 08:322023-07-09 08:04
修正コミット ddb11d3プルリク
セット kram, kram2, sdungeon, sdungeona, zookeep, zookeep2, zookeep3
kram - クラム (set 1)
sdungeon - スペースダンジョン
zookeep - ズーキーパー (set 1)
概 要起動時にコインカウンタが勝手に増える。
詳 細When running a game, the coin counter numbers in the machine's cfg file will increase by 1 on each start up even though credits are not being added by the user.
再現手順1. Run any of the affected games.
2. Let the game run for a little bit, just don't add any credits.
3. Exit the game, go to your cfg directory and examine the game's cfg file. The coin counter numbers should be at 1 now.
4. Run the same game and repeat step 2.
5. Repeat step 3, and the counters will now be at 2.
追加情報kram3 (unemulated protection) and zookeepbl (bootleg game) aren't affected, hence why I didn't just make the report "and clones" for everything.

Example kram2.cfg after 2 runs, no credits added:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- This file is autogenerated; comments and unknown tags will be stripped -->
<mameconfig version="10">
    <system name="kram2">
            <coins index="0" number="2" />
