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グラフィック未処理2023-06-29 08:372023-06-29 14:02
テスターBalthier担当者 ソースcinematronics/cinemat.cpp
セット All sets in cinemat.cpp
概 要-norotateで表示が反転している。
詳 細Running these games with -norotate does not output the display as the machines did. Instead they look like they have -flipy applied (mirrored upside down).
再現手順1. Run any of the affected sets with -norotate.

Horizontally oriented games should look the same as they do with -rotate.
Vertically oriented games should be turned 90 degrees with no inversion of the image.
追加情報I ran all of these with -norotate -noror -norol -noautoror -noautorol -noflipx -noflipy as well.

I checked all the other drivers with vector games, and they are all ok (segag80v being the exception).

The png I attached is large so you may need to open in another tab.
1st image: armora, most horizontal oriented sets are Y flipped like this.
2nd image: barrier, vertically oriented game, has correct rotation but is Y flipped.
3rd image: sundance, vertically oriented game, again has correct rotation but is Y flipped.
4th image: solarq, this is the only horizontal oriented game which is rotated 180 degrees, and is also NOT FLIPPED this time.
添付ファイルpng file-norotate_raw_display_output_is_Y_flipped_again.png (2023-06-29 08:38)