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DIP/入力仮承認未処理2023-06-20 03:342023-06-21 14:49
テスターBalthier担当者 ソースatari/harddriv.cpp
セット stunrun and clones
stunrun - スタンランナー (rev 6)
概 要セルフテストに失敗する。
詳 細The self test run when the game is put into service mode displays a red message "BAD GSP VRAM". Running the associated VRAM SHIFT REGISTER TEST in the SPECIAL FUNCTIONS -> MAIN BOARD GSP TESTS menu shows red blocks related to the vram. All other tests show these as green.

There are also errors on some screens when cycling through the OPERATOR SCREENS. These can be cleared (hold 5 or 6 key and press 1) and don't ever return, but they are always present from the first time the game is run until you clear them. I don't know if they are related somehow.
再現手順1. Run stunrun or any of its clones.
2. Let it run for a minute or so, then press F2 or just change the dipswitch setting for Service Mode to ON.
3. Let it run the self test, do not press start to skip it. After a bit you should see some messages and a red "BAD GSP VRAM".
4. Tap 1 to get through the next screens, use CTRL and ALT to navigate and press 1 to go to the SPECIAL FUNCTIONS menu.
5. Now go to MAIN BOARD GSP TESTS -> VRAM SHIFT REGISTER TEST and run it. Should see a set of red blocks.
追加情報I attached images of the errors.
Top 2 are for the GSP, and the bottom 2 are the errors from operator screens.
Bottom left says "EEPROM ERROR" in red text over the top of white text which says "Error Count 120".

The other thing I noticed when pasting the images together are that the GSP test screens (top) are 512x229 resolution uncorrected from mame, and the operator screen images (bottom) are 512x240. 229 seems like an odd vertical resolution here unless the game is switching resolutions sometimes?

Here's the link to the manual which explains the tests: https://www.arcade-museum.com/manuals-videogames/S/StunRunner.pdf
添付ファイルpng filestunrun_errors.png (2023-06-20 03:34)