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グラフィック未処理2023-05-31 01:212023-06-07 01:42
テスターICEknight担当者 ソースsega/sms.cpp
セット gamegear and clones
gamegear - ゲームギア (ヨーロッパ・US版)
概 要デフォルトで液晶表示ハックが適用されている。
詳 細Just like in issue #8287, an additional generic motion blur is being turned on by default, which interferes with the look of shaders (and even appears in F12 screenshots).
再現手順Just load any Game Gear game and pause or take a screenshot while the screen is scrolling.
追加情報In this case, this "LCD Persistence Hack" can be thankfully turned off from the Machine Configuration options, but nowadays it's the shaders' job to handle this kind of stuff.
添付ファイルpng filesonic2.png (2023-05-31 01:21)