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BugID: #08645

カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
クラッシュ/フリーズ重要 (本体)認証済み未処理2023-05-29 20:572023-05-30 20:17
テスターICEknight担当者 ソース
セット UI
概 要チルダキーメニューを表示中にフルスクリーンを切り替えるとクラッシュする。
詳 細It seems that certain options from the Tilde menu are somehow causing MAME to crash if they're on screen while pressing Alt+Enter in Windows.

Some example error logs are attached, as well as a pop-up error that MAME displayed only once.
再現手順-Start any driver in MAME.
-Press the Tilde key.
-Select "Screen Vert Position" option or below.
-Press Alt+Enter, MAME may crash.
-If it doesn't crash, press Alt+Enter again. (Moving the selection up/down might work as well?)
追加情報Tested with Opengl and Vulkan backends.
Might be random, but the chain-related options ("Window 0, Screen 0 Effect x" and below) seem to have a better chance of crashing it.
添付ファイルpng fileerror.png (2023-05-29 20:57)
txt fileerror1.txt (2023-05-29 20:58)
txt fileerror2.txt (2023-05-29 20:58)
txt fileerror3.txt (2023-05-29 20:58)
txt fileerror4.txt (2023-05-29 20:58)
txt fileerror5.txt (2023-05-29 21:00)