カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
DIP/入力解決済み修正済み2023-04-25 23:592023-04-26 01:44
修正コミット 6124fa2プルリク
セット tripool, tripoola
tripool - Tri-Pool: 3-In-One (Casino Tech)
概 要DIPで操作入力がない。
詳 細A member on KLOV forums has posted pictures of the DIP sheet from inside of his Tripool cabinet as well as
the instruction cards, one of them showing a 5 button shoot layout for adding "english" to the shot or not.
So there are 3 other shot choices not available in the controls at this time.

The virtual DIPS for the game seem to be in correct positions as I changed the DIPS for Upright/Cocktail and Balls Per
Game DIPS and the results matched the sheet picture.

I am unable to choose the jack.cpp driver in the drop down menu choices above as it is not listed.

Link to post on KLOV forums:
再現手順Load and run tripool or tripoola.

Set DIPS as stated and observe changes.
添付ファイルjpg fileTipool DIPS and Controls.jpg (2023-04-26 00:02)