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BugID: #08568

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DIP/入力仮承認未処理2023-02-24 02:232023-02-26 09:54
テスターICEknight担当者 ソース
概 要GCコントローラハブを使い、Alt+Tabやアナログトリガすると問題あり。
詳 細With a GameCube controller hub connected, even if no actual controllers are plugged in, switching between programs in Windows with Alt+Tab while in the main systems menu causes the UI to constantly switch between its different tabs. The analog C stick has its left and right directions to the "Z rotation" value which is supposed to do "UI Previous Group" and "UI Next Group" by default. This may be a calibration-related thing (there's no way to apply a deadzone to the C-Stick) but, as mentioned earlier, also happens when no controllers are plugged in.

A similar effect also happens in the UI while in-game when actually plugging in a controller and pressing, then releasing the R analog trigger. L and R register as "X rotation" and "Y rotation" respectively, with values ranging from 65536 (fully pressed) to -65536 (default, fully released). In this case, it's using the "Y rotation" value for doing "UI Page UP" and "UI Page Down".

In both cases, the initial R analog value and C Stick's X value are first considered their default state and thus no problematic behavior happens, but this doesn't apply anymore after switching between apps or just pressing and then depressing R.
-Connect a GameCube controller hub.
-Run MAME.
-Press Alt+Tab.

-Connect a GameCube controller hub.
-Run MAME.
-Start a game.
-Open the UI.
-Press, then depress the R analog trigger.