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BugID: #08552

カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
インターフェイス最小解決済み修正済み2023-01-20 04:212023-01-29 16:47
修正コミット 68472d3プルリク
セット UI
概 要特定の文字で終わるコントロール名の表示問題。
詳 細input_manager::code_name incorrectly strips bytes from certain characters.

Issue manifests by save slot numbers being designated not by numerical values but rather their lowercase character on my French keyboard, provided I do not change the default "auto" value on the "keyboardprovider" parameter in the configuration files.
There is also an anomalous "Kbd" entry that appears without even a timestamp for slot "0".
再現手順Launch any game and start saving states including on slot 0.
追加情報I'm using a French keyboard and layout + OS regional settings.
Switching keyboardprovider to "dinput" fixes issue for associated systems.
添付ファイルjpg fileFig. 1.jpg (2023-01-20 04:23)