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システムコア解決済み修正済み2022-11-10 10:092023-03-31 02:27
修正コミット 6ea69b0プルリク #11041
セット trs80l2
trs80l2 - TRS-80 Model I (Level II Basic)
概 要同期ズレのせいでSuperUtility 3が起動できない。
詳 細The attached su3v30-perl.mfi (from the su3v30.dsk DMK file) fails to boot on the TRS-80 Model I.

The problem is the RADDR commands see false FM 0xFE sync bytes in the MFM data of Track 1.
As a result, the code retries the RADDR a few times until it fails.

The following breakpoints can be used to see the RADDR results.

bp 452d - $c0 RADDR
bp 452a - see 4a00 (HL) accumulate bogus results

The groups of 6 bytes at 0x4a00 are:

"FE FE FF F2 B1 F5" - false
"20 20 20 02 76 DE" - real
"30 30 30 02 2D 69" - real
"25 25 25 02 DE 9E" - real
"E5 EF F5 C6 DE 77" - false
"F3 F1 FE BE 5F 77" - false
再現手順The follow command will display "DIsk Error _"

mame trs80l2 -flop1 su3v30-perl.mfi
追加情報Possibly the WD17xx state machine should enforce some "sync zero" bits before detecting the FM IDAM.
添付ファイルzip filesu3v30.zip (2022-11-10 10:09)