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システムコア重要 (ゲーム)解決済み修正済み2022-10-16 02:102022-10-23 18:20
修正コミット 48eee89プルリク
セット trs80l2
trs80l2 - TRS-80 Model I (Level II Basic)
概 要WD1771はa1 DAMステータスビットをサポートしない。
詳 細The attached zork25.mfi will not boot on trs80l2 because the WD1771 emulation doesn't support the "a1" DAM marker bit.
再現手順Run the trs80l2 driver with the floppy enabled:
mame -w trs80l2 -flop1 zork25.mfi
The disk will spin but no boot screen will appear.
The DMK file source for the MFI will boot in trs80gp.
追加情報The problem is in wd_fdc.cpp. It is also a problem on write sector but this file won't test that.
For the WD1771 chip the status check needs to look at fb,fa,f9,fa and set an additional status flag.
Current code:
if((cur_live.data_reg & 0xfe) == 0xf8)
status |= S_DDM;
The WD1771 data sheets describe the proper behaviour fairly clearly:
a1a0 mark
0 0 FB
0 1 FA
1 0 F9
1 1 F8
添付ファイルzip filezork25.zip (2022-10-16 02:10)