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サウンド解決済み修正済み2022-06-24 00:342024-12-11 05:20
修正コミット 3bd3ca7プルリク
セット wbml and clones
wbml - ワンダーボーイ モンスターランド (日本版 New Ver., MC-8123, 317-0043)
概 要2個のSN76489Asの音量が違う。
詳 細In MAME, sound volume of two SN76489As is same.
But on SEGA System 2 (And System 1?) PCB, volume of the two chips seems to be different.
For example, in round 7 of Monster Land, the sound of the flute blowing scene, a difference that is disconcerting to those who are familiar with this game.
(Flute sounds may sound random and slightly different because the waveforms cancel each other out. This is the same with PCB.)

Compared to Round 1 BGM, sn2 sounds at least 1.4 times louder than sn1.
追加情報Official interview to SEGA and M2 from Japanese Game media Inpress Watch

> 駒林氏: 一番最初にチェックした時に、何だか音が違うなあと思ったんですよ。7面の「南の島ポロロ」で鳴る笛の音の通りが、アーケードの基板の音と何回比べても違っていたので、「ここがおかしいから直してくれ」と僕のほうからお願いをしました。調べてみたら、基板に載っている2個の音源の音量バランスが違っていたことがわかったので、そこを調整した結果、今までで間違いなく実機に一番近い音が鳴るようになりました。

> Mr. Komabayashi : When I first checked it, I thought that the sound was somehow different. The sound of the whistle on the "Southern Island Pororo" on Page 7 was different from the sound on the arcade board many times, so I asked him to fix it because there was something wrong with it. When I checked it, I found that the volume balance of the two sound sources on the board was different. As a result of adjusting the balance, I was able to make the sound that is the closest to the actual machine.

Monsterland Switch version with volume adjusted as per this interview.
添付ファイルogg fileMonster Land PCB 1.ogg (2022-06-24 00:34)
ogg fileMonster Land PCB 2.ogg (2022-06-24 00:36)
ogg filemame1.ogg (2022-06-24 00:51)
ogg filemame2.ogg (2022-06-24 00:51)
ogg filePCB Flute Sounds.ogg (2022-06-24 01:03)
ogg fileMAME Flute1.ogg (2022-06-24 01:12)
ogg fileMAME Flute2.ogg (2022-06-24 01:12)
zip filemame0244state_wbml.zip (2022-06-24 01:18)