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サウンド仮承認未処理2022-05-30 22:312022-06-12 04:26
テスターdanylopez123担当者 ソースtaito/taitoair.cpp
セット topland, toplandj
topland - トップランディング (海外版)
概 要実機と比較するとメインテーマBGMが十分にフェードアウトしない。
詳 細[There's an extra report at the end of the description]

Recently i've been watching 2 Youtube videos about Top Landing but played from an actual PCB.
After watching them, i've noticed that the Main Theme musics doesn't fade to a quiet volume like MAME does.
At least fading the Main Theme musics to a quiet volume can help you listen to the voices more clear.

As far i can tell, this only happens with the 3 Main Theme musics, i've been listening them from the VGZ pack: https://vgmrips.net/packs/pack/top-landing-air-system
I don't know if the Credits music fades just a tiny little bit or doesn't, i couldn't tell closely.

I've saw 2 Youtube videos being played from an actual PCB

The first its from the Cabinet:

The second its recorded from a PCB:

Go back to Janet's video (2nd video) and look at 1:05 for example.
You'll notice that the timings between the control tower voices and the pilot voice have a correct timing.
Control tower finishes talking what he wants to say to the pilot then the pilot proceeds to say "Roger"

However, in MAME, the timings with the control tower and the pilot it's a bit fast, it goes like this:
Just before the control tower voice finishes what he wants to say to the pilot, the pilot says "Roger" before the control tower voice it's almost done.

Not sure if i can tell if this is affected to other voices that haves timings before it plays another one.