カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
DIP/入力解決済み修正済み2022-04-07 01:412022-04-16 16:40
テスターchaneman担当者Steve Coomberソースgalaxian/galaxold.cpp
修正コミット 1e127d7プルリク #9573
セット trvchlng
trvchlng - Trivia Challenge
概 要コインエイジ、ボーナス、アトラクトモードについてのDIP設定。
詳 細Three DIPS for Triva Challenge:
This game is unplayable because the question rom
is undumped. The main program runs so we can
establish some funtioning DIPS.

1st Picture:
Highlighted DIP is for "Coinage"
ON = 2 Coins 1 Credit
OFF = 1 Coin 1 Credit

The DIP below this one is "Coin B"
ON = 1 Coin 5 Credits
OFF = 1 Coin 3 Credits
Change is seen when coining up.

2nd Picture:
Highlighted DIP is for "True or False Bonus"
ON = 300K
OFF = 200K
Change will be seen during attract mode.

3rd Picture:
Highlighted DIP is for "Attract Mode"
ON = Instructions Only
OFF = Full Attract
Change is immediate.

*** Maybe they thought Full Attract would cause seizures?!?
再現手順Load and run game.
Set DIP as shown in picture.
Reset game and observe change.
Repeat for all Highlighted DIPS.
添付ファイルjpg filetrvchlng.jpg (2022-04-07 01:41)