カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
グラフィック認証済み未処理2022-03-28 21:512022-08-06 11:05
テスターMidnightWolf担当者 ソースkonami/tmnt.cpp
セット thndrx2, thndrx2a, thndrx2j
thndrx2 - サンダークロスII (海外版)
概 要2面で画面下側に表示不具合。
詳 細On Thunder Cross 2, graphical corruption appears at the bottom of the screen, whenever the screen scrolls up or down during stage 2.
再現手順- Start playing Thunder Cross 2 as normal.

- Play stage 2 as normal.

- When the route splits near the start of the level, when the screen scrolls up or down graphical corruption appears at the bottom of the screen.

- When the routes converge near the end of the level, when the screen scrolls up or down, graphical corruption appears at the bottom of the screen.
添付ファイルpng file001.png (2022-03-29 23:52)
png file002.png (2022-03-29 23:53)
png file004.png (2022-03-30 00:03)
png file005.png (2022-03-30 00:03)
png file006.png (2022-03-30 00:04)
png file007.png (2022-03-30 00:04)