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DIP/入力解決済み修正済み2022-03-19 05:272022-04-04 06:53
テスターchaneman担当者Steve Coomberソースsega/vicdual.cpp
修正コミット f1214e0プルリク #9441
セット alphaho
alphaho - アルファファイター&ヘッドオン
概 要ボーナスライフのDIPスイッチ設定。
詳 細Picture below shows "Unknown" DIP 3 is actually Alpha Figher "Bonus Life" DIP: ON = 1000 OFF = 1500
Does not affect Head On. Head On always gives a Bonus Life at 5000 points no matter what DIP 3 is set at.
再現手順Load and run game. Select Alpha Fighter. Turn Unknown DIP 3 ON
Play game until score reaches 1000 points, noting Bonus Life added to bottom left of screen.
Set Unknown DIP 3 to OFF, and play game until score reaches 1500 points, noting Bonus Life has been added to bottom left of screen.
Easy to reach Bonus Life points, but you can use "Bullet Invincibility" cheat if you have to.
添付ファイルjpg fileAlpha Fighter Bonus Life DIP.jpg (2022-03-19 05:27)