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グラフィック認証済み未処理2008-02-05 21:432008-02-15 00:26
テスターrobiza担当者 ソースirem/m72.cpp
セット bchopper
bchopper - Mr.HELIの大冒険 / Battle Chopper (海外版)
概 要2面で画面が見えなくなり上にスクロールするとき、ステータスバーが2重に表示される。壁に向かって上がり続け、ショットを撃っていると再現する。
詳 細In the second stage, when the screen is invisible and when the screen scroll up, the status bar appear twice. Try to scroll up agaist a wall and fire repeatly; the bug appear.

Twist: It appears that once you collide with a wall, that triggers the glitch and then firing will show it.

I've also noticed another spot in the game where the wrong screen is displayed for a few frames.

Mamesick: Timings should be now accurate... Aaron properly implemented them. A comparison with a PCB is required at this point IMHO.
添付ファイルpng filebchopper0122u5gre.png (2008-02-15 00:26)