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DIP/入力認証済み未処理2021-10-14 18:072021-10-14 18:49
テスターkmg担当者 ソースepoch/scv.cpp
セット scv
scv - スーパーカセットビジョン
概 要入力が効かないときがある。
詳 細One set is wheelrcr. You should be able to press En (and probably other select buttons) at the title screen to make the game prompt you for which game, ama or pro, you want to play. MAME doesn't respond to any of the select keys and continues to loop through the demo mode instead.

Another is sansupyu. Inputs do work at the title screen, but if you load up one of the various math quizzes none of the number buttons work in game.
再現手順1) mame scv wheelrcr

2) mame scv sansupyu -> press 1 followed by En at each menu until you make it to a quiz -> only pause works and it enters a decimal point.