カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
ドキュメント最小解決済み修正済み2021-09-28 12:172021-09-29 21:46
修正コミット 2c92e03プルリク
セット talbot
talbot - タルボット
概 要不明なDIPスイッチについての情報。
詳 細The 2 unknown DIP switches control the minimum number of rabbits the player must capture and return to his cages to advance to the next pattern. The player must reach this number before the CPU opponent (or player 2 in head-to-head cocktail matches) in order to win the round.

ON ON = 4 Rabbits
OFF ON = 5 Rabbits
ON OFF = 6 Rabbits
OFF OFF = 8 Rabbits
再現手順Set the DIP switches.
Shift + F3 to reset the game.
Start 1 player game.
Catch rabbits one at a time (even though you can carry multiple).
Return them to the cages at the bottom of the screen.
The round will end when you reach the number of rabbits listed above.

These settings are easy to verify with cheats.
The speed cheat is the most useful in this regard.
添付ファイルjpg filetalbot_dip.jpg (2021-09-28 12:35)