カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
グラフィック仮承認未処理2021-06-04 16:352021-06-05 04:12
テスターjkburks担当者 ソースsanritsu/mermaid.cpp
セット yachtmn, mermaid
mermaid - ヨットマン / Mermaid
yachtmn - ヨットマン
概 要グラフィックが一部表示されない。
詳 細There is a sequence on level 3 where the player gets attacked by walruses or sea lions. I'm not 100% sure what they are supposed to be. In MAME these animals are static sprites with no animation. On the PCB they do a flip animation in the water and also whenever they cross land.

There is also a bug in MAME where the large wave animation randomly becomes attached to the RANK text in the sidebar. It stays there until the screen is redrawn. This is not supposed to happen.
再現手順Play until you see the sea lions on level 3.
Or load the attached 7.sta in MAME 0.231
Then refer to the PCB video timestamp below to compare.

The Rank bug is difficult to predict.
Just load the attached 9.sta in MAME 0.231
追加情報Recent long play video from Yachtsman PCB.

00:08:57 is the timestamp for the missing animations.

Attached screenshot of the flip animations from the above video:

Also attached enlarged snap of the Rank bug. There does not appear to be any race condition or rank position that triggers this bug. I have had it happen at all different times, ranks, and levels.
添付ファイルjpg fileyachtsman_rank_bug.jpg (2021-06-04 16:35)
jpg fileyachtsman_missing_animation.jpg (2021-06-04 16:36)
zip fileyachtmn.zip (2021-06-04 16:36)