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解決済み修正済み2021-06-04 13:132023-09-04 14:02
修正コミット 8f05076プルリク #11195
セット popn4, popn5 ,popn6 ,popn7 ,popn8 ,popnanm ,popnanm2 ,popnmt
popn4 - ポップンミュージック4
popn5 - ポップンミュージック5
popn6 - ポップンミュージック6
popn7 - ポップンミュージック7
popn8 - ポップンミュージック8
popnanm - ポップンミュージック アニメロ
popnanm2 - ポップンミュージック アニメロ2号
popnmt - ポップンミュージック ミッキーチューンズ
概 要CHDのフォーマットが正しくない。
詳 細The CHDs for the above listed affected games are compressed as HDDs rather than DVDs

As a result, running the game associated with it shows a "DVD ERROR" or "SPU RAM ERROR"

(Note - the exact error wording varies between games, but is essentially the same error, with the same fix)

Was tipped to this from this reddit post, which also includes the fix for it:


Essentially, the process to fix the CHDs is as follows:

- Backup the larger of the CHDs to a backup folder (should have "02" at the end of the filename)
- Use the command chdman extractraw -i <chdname>02.chd -o <chdname>02.iso (The CHD with the "02" at the end of the filename is always the DVD)
- Delete the CHD
- Use the command chdman createcd -i <chdname>02.iso -o <chdname>02.chd
- Delete the ISO file
- Go to the /diff folder in your MAME installation and delete the <chdname>02.diff file located there (If it exists)
- The game should now run properly from the CLI and actually get into the game, instead of being stuck at the DVD error screen. It will, however complain about the CRC/SHA1 being incorrect.
再現手順Run the game

Observe the DVD error shown on the startup/initialization screen. The game will sit here with a counter in the corner

Perform the steps outlined above

Game will now run properly
追加情報Reporting this because I fear the next CHD update will replace/overwrite the CHDs in question. The conversion is annoying - too time consuming to repeat each update.

I attempted to create a mega account to upload the converted working CHDs to, but uploading to Mega sucks (many GBs to upload, but only allowing upload of ~50KB/sec).

Using mame-master build of 233


These are the SHA1s of the old/new CHDs:

gq986jaa02.chd WRONG CHECKSUMS:
EXPECTED: SHA1(53367d3d5f91422fe386c42716492a0ae4332390)
FOUND: SHA1(d635ae846cfc3cf74e0cc82b57576f651799332e)

a04jaa02.chd WRONG CHECKSUMS:
EXPECTED: SHA1(49a017dde76f84829f6e99a678524c40665c3bfd)
FOUND: SHA1(4fb8ee8669a9b9d7d627e676fb982c032477ecf3)

gqa16jaa02.chd WRONG CHECKSUMS:
EXPECTED: SHA1(e39067300e9440ff19cb98c1abc234fa3d5b26d1)
FOUND: SHA1(930af52a69230c9d9aed0c11f98e76b19b20e821)

b00jaa02.chd WRONG CHECKSUMS:
EXPECTED: SHA1(c8ce2f8ee6aeeedef9c110a59e68fcec7b669ad6)
FOUND: SHA1(9ebf0b54b011c6645f88320fb54cde072e5ebb40)

gqb30jaa02.chd WRONG CHECKSUMS:
EXPECTED: SHA1(f067d502c23efe0267aada5706f5bc7a54605942)
FOUND: SHA1(02001e75e628345b0dabefcba503bddf3d9534a8)

gq987jaa02.chd WRONG CHECKSUMS:
EXPECTED: SHA1(d72515bac3fcd9f28c39fa1402292009734df678)
FOUND: SHA1(c7e370465dd2d06ee77df8ad0a7249271b9e0484)

gea02jaa02.chd WRONG CHECKSUMS:
EXPECTED: SHA1(7212e399779f37a5dcb8317a8f635a3b3f620aa9)
FOUND: SHA1(1980b23a0db6e21f04f98a46913e9988afd70b54)

976jaa02.chd WRONG CHECKSUMS:
EXPECTED: SHA1(3881bb1e4deb829ba272c541cb7d203924571f3b)
FOUND: SHA1(a3e95d0c32b1e8d759666744ce93c923ac9010b1)