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サウンド仮承認未処理2021-05-04 23:552021-05-12 07:13
テスターICEknight担当者 ソースsega/mdconsole.cpp
セット genesis and clones [oozeju]
genesis - メガドライブ / Genesis (US版, NTSC)
概 要[oozeju] イントロでメロディーが鳴らない。
詳 細At some point during the intro, the main melody misses playing two simultaneous notes.

Real hardware footage from a Genesis Nomad:

Also tested on a Japanese Mega Drive and the music plays properly as well.
再現手順Just load the game with:

mame.exe genesis -cart megadriv:oozeju:cart

and wait for 40 seconds.
追加情報The missing notes in the intro is not a regression due to the recent YM changes, seems to have been happening for a while (always?).

However, the same music track seems to only randomly fail when played on the game's Sound Test (example savestates of both failure and success attached).
添付ファイルzip filegenesis_tmss oozeju.zip (2021-05-09 04:28)
zip filegenesis_tmss oozeju 0.218.zip (2021-05-10 02:14)