カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
色/パレット最小認証済み未処理2020-12-16 23:292020-12-18 03:46
テスターmgkastra担当者 ソースgalaxian/galaxian.cpp
セット turtles
turtles - ターピン / Turtles
概 要製造エラーによりカラーROMが反転している。
詳 細Turtles has two color PROMS, 5H and 5J flipped in MAME. Switching these two by renaming each to the other, fixes this issue and the mystery boxes display blue and the background displays as red. I am proposing that 5H is actually 5J and 5J is actually 5H.

Based on the STERN Turtles flyer, the background should be red and mystery boxes blue.

All hardware examples I have found of Turtles PCB, including boards I own, all have red backgrounds with blue mystery boxes.
再現手順Load Turtles and note the color of the background (blue) and mystery boxes (red). Rename 5H and 5J to each other and load again to note that background is now red and mystery boxes are now blue.
追加情報Service Bulletin release by STERN. See Upload File

October 28, 1981

Lieberman Music Company
9549 Penn Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55431

ATTN: Service Manager

RE: Turtles Color

Due to a problem in production, you have received the new Turtles game with the Color Proms 5H, 5F, on the KT-4108-2 board reversed. These chips were incorrectly labeled so please disregard those labels. This causes the reds and blues on the screen to be reversed. To correct this problem, please switch these two chips.


添付ファイルjpg fileSTERN_SB_Turtles.jpg (2020-12-16 23:29)
jpg fileSternTurtlesFlyer.jpg (2020-12-16 23:41)
png fileTurtlesWith5Hand5Jflipped.png (2020-12-16 23:48)