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グラフィック解決済み実機のバグ2020-10-28 00:292024-06-01 17:18
テスターgiro-X担当者 ソースtaito/taito_f3.cpp
セット dariusgx
dariusgx - ダライアス外伝 -シルバーホーク エクストラバージョン- (Ver 2.7J 1995/03/06) [Official Hack]
概 要Zone Dの1P側とZone Uの2P側の背景がおかしい。
詳 細This problem is happening only during Zone D, if you started the game with Player 1, or in Zone U if game started with Player 2 (same rounds, just switched in position).
In this zone, the background is missing, the sprites for wall-type objects in the underwater section are missing (collision still works) and, when on surface, the sea hides player and projectiles partially or fully. (See an example screenshot on attachment)
EDIT: Among these behaviours, the missing sprites of seabed (walls) are regular on board too. The missing background happens on board too, although while in MAME sometimes we see the sea or the sky underwater, on board there is absolute nothing except for the sea displayed once the boss makes its entrance. The sea also never hides other sprites on board.
再現手順Insert a credit and start the game on 1P side, follow the route A-B-D (faster), or start the game on 2P side and play through 21 levels (~1hr of time).
追加情報First occurrence that I found of this behaviour is MAME 0.194. Before MAME 0.193, the level was displayed with full background and sprites (which looked fine, but even that doesn't match the actual hardware behaviour, apparently).
This bug does not occur on dariusg and its clones, and doesn't occur in attract mode - the attract mode shows a random zone between A and F of the 1P side routes, thus including Zone D, with proper graphics.
添付ファイルzip fileu_save.zip (2020-11-02 01:10)
png filedariusgx_mame194_zoneUpart1.png (2020-11-02 01:11)
png filedariusgx_mame194_zoneUpart3.png (2020-11-02 01:12)