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クラッシュ/フリーズ認証済み未処理2020-08-11 09:232020-08-13 06:06
テスターJustin Kerk担当者 ソースpc/tandy1t.cpp
セット t1000rl, t1000sl2
t1000rl - Tandy 1000 RL
t1000sl2 - Tandy 1000 SL/2
概 要DeskMateのROMをロードできない。
詳 細The Tandy 1000 RL and SL/2 models have DeskMate (Tandy's GUI interface) built into the system ROM. See e.g. https://archive.org/details/Tandy1000SL2InstalationAndOperationManual/page/n9/mode/2up

However, when you try to load the built-in DeskMate in MAME, the systems hang indefinitely at a black screen with a blinking cursor.
再現手順1. mame t1000rl
2. Wait for the boot process to start DeskMate automatically
3. DeskMate version information is displayed, followed by a hang

1. mame t1000sl2
2. Wait for the built-in ROM DOS to boot
3. Press F12 at the DOS prompt to start DeskMate
4. DeskMate version information is displayed for a split second, followed by a hang