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グラフィック仮承認未処理2020-07-16 04:352020-07-18 08:12
テスターKale担当者 ソースtoaplan/toaplan2.cpp
セット whoopee
whoopee - フーピー!! / Pipi & Bibis (テキパキ基板)
概 要ヌードON時に4-1のスタートグラフィックが変になる。
詳 細Starting at 4-1 the gal silhouette will sport being broken in half. This also happens after each stage intermission (tested 4-x and 5-x so far)
再現手順Reach 4-1 or load the given state, press p1 button 2 to skip the 3-4 intermission.
追加情報This is currently tested with whoopee set with low nudity and region Japan in machine configuration.
Confirmed it doesn't happen on parent pipibibs set with either low/high nudity set.
添付ファイルpng file0007.png (2020-07-16 04:35)
zip filewhoopee_bug_example_4_1.zip (2020-07-16 04:36)