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DIP/入力認証済み未処理2020-06-28 06:032020-07-05 02:24
テスターSterophonick担当者 ソースvtech/vsmile.cpp
セット vsmile [alphaprk]
vsmile - V.Smile
概 要[alphaprk] マッシュボタンを押すと入力が固まる。
詳 細When mashing buttons on any V.Smile machine, it can cause games to stop accepting input, soft-resetting does not help, and this effect persists until the emulator is hard-reset.
再現手順1. Boot up any region V.Smile.
2. Mash the buttons a lot.
3. Games should stop accepting input.
追加情報This works with every game, but strangely, it seems like it's easier to trigger in alphaprkr101.
添付ファイルinp filealphaprk.inp (2020-06-28 07:58)