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グラフィック仮承認未処理2020-05-06 02:262020-05-10 17:57
テスターmycophobia担当者 ソースtoaplan/toaplan2.cpp
セット truxton2
truxton2 - 達人王 / Truxton II / Tatsujin II
概 要5面や6面でたくさんのグラフィックが出てくるとスプライトが点滅したり消えたりする。
詳 細https://www.twitch.tv/videos/612031359

see above links. sometimes, usually in late stage 5 or late stage 6 of the game, if there's a lot going on graphically then sprites will flicker or disappear. this does not happen in the original PCB, and seems to be a recent bug as I've played this game for over a year in MAME and don't recall it happening until recently.

A fellow player thinks a change made in the following link (at the bottom of the page) could be the culprit:

再現手順Reach the spikes section of stage 6 (final stage, shown in video) or fight the stage 5 boss at full power.
I've attached a savestate for the stage 5 boss fight with full power red weapon. I recommend turning on the invinicibility dipswitch and holding down the fire button to see the bug in action.
添付ファイルzip filetruxton2_stage5.zip (2020-05-06 02:26)