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グラフィック解決済み修正済み2019-09-21 01:582022-12-05 14:25
セット ultstunt & clones
nes - ファミリーコンピュータ / Nintendo Entertainment System (NTSC)
概 要[ultstunt] 表示化けあり。
詳 細Some corruption prevents correct display of a part of the intro screens, but can y bypassed to start level 1.

The problem starts right upon the beginning of the first stage, where the player will not be able to make anything of a graphically glitched playfield, with big gray squares overlays plaguing visibility and superimposing on the game scene, only briefly allowing it to be observed.
再現手順Load ROM;
Pass the intro screens (some are corrupted but are not game-breaking as they can be bypassed)
Start level 1.

Glitching and successive "gray scaling" will be apparent all over the screen in parallel to the scrolling field.
追加情報Bugs observed using build MAMEUI64 0.211.

Gameplay, even if graphically corrupted, is not stuck (i.e. not a game-breaking bug, unlike Timelord reported in issue #06902). As far as I have experienced and tested, the ROM runs fine and doesn't hang at any point in time.

Hence theoretically, the player can insist on grinding through the level and get past it, even though I haven't managed to clear the level with the critical visual impediment incurred by the bug.
添付ファイルpng file0008.png (2019-09-21 02:03)
png file0010.png (2019-09-21 02:04)
png file0003.png (2019-09-21 02:04)