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グラフィック仮承認未処理2019-06-21 03:042022-07-15 05:41
テスターRoberto Fresca担当者 ソースacorn/aristmk5.cpp
セット USA sets in aristmk5.cpp
aristmk5 - MK-V System
概 要システム設定変更後に表示不具合。
詳 細After changing System Configuration, the video is severe damaged.
Need to exit and run again to get the proper thing.
And also there is an eventually crash at the begining too.
再現手順1) Run an USA set (I tested it with Cuckoou).
2) Press TAB to enter the menu...
3) Go to MACHINE CONFIGURATION, and choose different Set Chips. Go to RESET.
4) Sometimes you can see the bug as seen in the attached snaps.
添付ファイルpng filearistmk5_setchip_change_error_01.png (2019-06-21 03:04)
png filearistmk5_setchip_change_error_02.png (2019-06-21 03:04)