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DIP/入力認証済み未処理2019-05-31 22:042023-05-12 18:18
テスターrsarson担当者 ソースcommodore/vic20.cpp
セット vic20 [dkong, others]
vic20 - VIC-20 (NTSC)
概 要一部のゲームがタイトル画面で固まる。
詳 細Several VIC-20 cartridges in the software list freeze once their title screen loads.

Battle Zone, Donkey Kong, Moon Patrol, Ms. Pac-Man, Pole Position (Atarisoft), and Cloudburst, Outworld, Spider of Mars (UMI) are some examples.
再現手順mame vic20 -cart vic1001_cart:mspacman:cart
- game will load but then freezes at title screen
追加情報When I made the Progetto snaps & title screen shots for all 295 games/programs in the VIC-20 software list, I tested each one (in both PAL and NTSC) to see if they would actually run in the current version of MAME (0.197 at the time). I made a detailed spreadsheet listing the status of all programs, including any workarounds needed to get the program working, if possible. There are about 24 programs I could not get working, even with trying workarounds and most of them suffer the same bug - they freeze at the title screen. If anyone would like more details, please message me.

An example of a workaround:
Defender, when loaded as above, freezes at the title screen but the following will get the game to work as expected:
- manually set blocks 3 & 5 to 8k:
mame vic20 -exp exp -exp:exp:slot1 8k -exp:exp:slot2 8k, then set the memory locations to slot1:$6000 and slot2:$A000 in the Dip Switches page of the UI menu (this step can't be done from the command line), then reset the machine
- quickload the two .prgs (Defender-6000 & a000.prg from Zimmers.net) using the UI menu
- enter SYS64802 to soft reset the machine
- the game should be loaded and now F1 will allow you to continue playing
添付ファイルzip filesoftlist-vic20.zip (2019-12-07 01:13)