カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
認証済み未処理2019-05-31 15:082019-07-21 13:35
テスターrsarson担当者 ソースcommodore/vic20.cpp
セット vic20 [3dmaze]
vic20 - VIC-20 (NTSC)
概 要カセットからのロードが動作しない。
詳 細When trying to LOAD a program from a cassette on the VIC-20, it either doesn't find the file or, if it does, it always fails with a "?LOAD ERROR".
再現手順mame vic20 -cass vic1001_cass:3dmaze:cass1
Enter "LOAD". You should see "PRESS PLAY ON TAPE".
Hit Scroll Lock to enable the UI menu, then hit Tab to bring it up.
Select "Tape Control", then "Play" to start the cassette player. You should see "SEARCHING".
Wait... and then you'll either get to the end of the tape or one of the files on the tape will try to load, resulting in a "?LOAD ERROR".
追加情報I have tried both "3dmaze" and "speakez" from the software list.

i have tried both the c1530 and the c2n tape decks in slot devices.

The last version tape loading worked for me was 0.162.