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BugID: #07268

カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
DIP/入力解決済み修正済み2019-03-27 20:402024-11-23 07:34
修正コミット d64ea53プルリク #8777
概 要DIPスイッチやマシン設定のサブメニューを再オープンしても更新されていない。
詳 細MAME's "DIP Switches" or "Machine Configuration" submenu doesn't update when it's reopened.
再現手順- boot a game that has a keyboard shortcut (or clickable artwork) for changing a dipswitch. In this case, let's go with ridgerac, so: start with "mame ridgerac"
- press TAB to open menu, then open "DIP Switches" submenu. Take a look at "Service Mode" at the bottom of the list, it's set to "Off"
- press TAB to hide menu (do not press ESC or "Return to previous menu")
- press F2 to go to service mode
- press TAB to open menu again, it will re-enter the "Dip Switches" menu
- notice that "Service Mode" is "Off", but in reality it is "On"

Starting from MAME 0.208, an easier test case is ssimon. Its configurable switches are on internal clickable artwork, the submenu in this case is "Machine Configuration".