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グラフィック解決済み実機のバグ2019-02-04 02:402019-07-12 22:19
テスターHydreigon担当者 ソースsega/model1.cpp
セット vr, vformula
vr - バーチャレーシング
概 要画面右上に黒いドットが出る。
詳 細There is a black dot near the upper right corner during the sections when the 3d graphics are loaded. This actually happens in both Virtua Racing and Formula. I never seen this on an actual pcb (at least back in the day because it was difficult to notice).
再現手順Just run the game.
追加情報BTANB. Virtua Racing has the black dot all of the time while Formula only has that black dot during gameplay.
添付ファイルpng file0000.png (2019-02-04 02:40)