カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
認証済み未処理2018-07-22 07:532020-07-20 01:27
テスターzaxxon担当者 ソースmiltonbradley/vectrex.cpp
セット vectrex
vectrex - コンピュータビジョン光速船 / Vectrex
概 要6522 VIAシフトレジスタの問題。
詳 細there is currently an issue with the vectrex emulation.
this issue was not present in mame version 0.178 (apologies i don't know in which version of mame this issue first appeared).
currently in mame the vectrex emulation has a VIA bug, which is due to the shift register being incorrectly shifted every cycle.
the shift register should be shifted every two cycles (i have attached the information from the 6522 VIA datasheet showing this).
this current emulation inaccuracy results in text shown on the display being displayed as 'compressed'.
添付ファイルpng file6522 VIA - Datasheet.png (2018-07-22 07:53)
png fileMAME 0.199.png (2018-07-22 07:56)
png fileMAME 0.178.png (2018-07-22 07:56)