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ゲームプレイ解決済み修正済み2018-06-19 22:342019-10-28 03:30
セット vr
vr - バーチャレーシング
概 要3Dの位置演算の不具合。
詳 細For some reason the computer is doing a lot of mistakes during attract mode and gameplay in comparison with MAME 0.196:
- In the first minutes of attract mode, the car get out the racing track at the first corner (verified with original)
- During attract mode, It has trouble to pass other cars (verified with original)
- Traffic cars at the wrong position on the racing track (verified with original)
- Near the end of the attract mode, the arcade show that the main racing car pass the second check point of the track, the emulation it doesn't even get close (MAME 0.198). MAME 0.196 near the second check point two white racing cars get in the way.

- During gameplay at the "Big Forest" track, near the corners if there are two or more computer cars, they always crash at it.
- The racing track got very unstable, it shakes too much in 0.198, 0.196 is much more stable.
再現手順Watch attract mode or play the game at the Big Forest track.
添付ファイルpng filevr-side-side-01.png (2018-06-19 22:34)