カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
仮承認未処理2018-04-25 17:522018-04-27 08:48
テスターAriaOTP担当者 ソースsharp/x68k.cpp
セット x68000
x68000 - X68000
概 要イジェクトしないでディスクを直接変えると認識しない。
詳 細http://mametesters.org/view.php?id=6942 related to this bug.

MAME now recognized 'new' disk so it can make new data disk in Sangokushi III. but after that, when I change disk to game disk C, MAME doesn't recognize changed disk.

Edit: It works when I changed 'empty' disk and then insert the disk. but when I try change the disk directly, it doesn't work. I think this is related the 'feature' of X68000 that auto-eject the FDD when it needs change disk.
再現手順1) Play Sangokushi 3 (Data disk A in A:, data disk B in B:)
2) Change B: drive disk to game disk C when message appears
3) When main menu appears, make new data disk to new xdf disk
4) New data disk make works
5) But after change game disk C when message appears, MAME doesn't recognize changed disk (wrong disk message appears)
添付ファイルpng file0000.png (2018-04-25 18:06)
png file0001.png (2018-04-25 18:08)
png file0002.png (2018-04-25 18:08)