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グラフィック解決済み実機のバグ2018-02-15 10:162019-04-10 05:53
テスターStHiryu担当者 ソースneogeo/neogeo.cpp
セット wh1
wh1 - ワールドヒーローズ (ALM-005)
概 要Janneの面でライオンの車の動きがおかしい。
詳 細At Janne's stage, sometimes a man driving a car with a jailed lion appears from left to right, In mame, this sprite dissapears randomly and appears driving from right to left. But could be a BTANB of course...Need to check agains the real pcb.
再現手順Play at Janne's stage and wait some minutes.
追加情報-A video with the bug in mame: (5:37 to 7:49)

-Video at wolfmame 0.106: (6:48 to 8:49)

-Video for the ps4 port: (9:26 to 10:53)

-Video on AES (8:07 to 9:35):

-Video on MVS (8:35 to 9:15):