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システムコア解決済み修正済み2017-11-06 16:332017-11-07 15:13
フラグ実機・資料検証済み, コード検証済み
セット ts1000
ts1000 - Timex Sinclair 1000
概 要RAMサイズ2Kのオプションしかない。
詳 細I noticed that the Timex Sinclair 1000 emulation only has the option of having 2k of ram, even though the actual machine can use all the same ram expansion options as the ZX81, 16K, 32K, and 48K. I also suggest adding the option to emulate a unit with only a 1K chip installed, since although this is not the default it is possible with the actual machine as well.
再現手順Launch the Timex Sinclair 1000 emulation with a ram size parameter other than 2k.
追加情報To fix this add this code below to the ram configuration section for the Timex Sinclair 1000 in src/mame/drivers/zx.cpp right below the line that reads MCFG_RAM_DEFAULT_SIZE("2K")